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“Maximize the Advantages of Sectional Property Ownership in Kenya with Brother’s Keeper Program by PoDCity”

Re-Thinking and adopting the Philosophy of the Old African Building Complex for Modern Times to accelerate Home Ownership by PoDCity

Did Africans have Master Plans for their Villages?

The African village was based on communal property rights.

According to Ubuntu Design Criterion, taken together, the African huts formed a building complex and was the best way of escaping poverty.

Older men owned the Main House and the young men owned little huts called “iSimba” in Luhyaland. 

Each house in an African Boma had a distinct social function and visible units. They were connected by paths and walls.

They are more “human” than a large modernist APART-MENT which makes us forget the people inside, as people. 

We can go back to our roots and anchor it in the best the world can offer in Design and Build Technology today. 

Nothing was wrong with the model until Individualism and Capitalism taught us how to hate each other and Act Alone. It is time to Act Together and overcome propertylessness and the chaos of living in unplanned neighbourhoods!

The African Form and Master Plan seen in many villages has Coherence on at least 3 Levels:

1. It is coherently related to its context.

2. It is Physically Coherent.

3. The grouping of the huts reflects the social order of their inhabitants.

PoDCity by Ujenzibora has created a series of Master Plans that conform to this African Philosophy and our typical land sizes of an eighth of an acre all the way to a Village sitting on 50 Acres.

This is our first step in Creating a Property Owning Society that is democratically run by the Members. 

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

The Vision of PodCity by Ujenzibora of creating a Property Owning Society

Can you Co-Own Property with your Trusted Friends in Kenya?

Sectional ownership of property in Kenya is a term for a type of property ownership whereby two or more people can own and occupy a single property. It is a popular form of ownership among friends or family who want to purchase a property together. 

The process of sectional ownership works by splitting the property into two or more sections, and each person owning a different section. The sections may be divided by walls or fences, or even by legal agreements. 

Each section is then subdivided into shares, with each person owning a certain number of shares. Friends who are interested in taking advantage of sectional ownership to build houses can do so by forming a Brother’s Keeper Home Ownership Syndicate. 

This is a group of people who agree to join forces and pool their resources to purchase a property together. 

The Brother’s Keeper Home Ownership Syndicate would then need to decide on how to divide the property, how many shares each person would receive, and other relevant details. 

Once these details have been decided, the syndicate can then purchase the property as a group and divide it among themselves. The Brother’s Keeper Home Ownership Syndicate members can then use their individual shares to build houses on their respective sections.

How does Brother's Keeper Work?

TheBrothers Keeper” fractional ownership of property program is designed to help families and friends purchase and manage property together. 

The program has an implementation plan with a clear execution plan as follows: 

1. Determine eligibility: The program will only be available to those who meet certain eligibility criteria, such as having a good credit score and income, and who are of legal age in their jurisdiction. 

Complete the details of your Brother’s Keeper Home Ownership Syndicate in the Form Provided. Our Management will reach out and Guide your Group through the Home Ownership Journey.

2. Identify potential properties: Once eligibility has been determined, interested parties can begin to search for potential properties that fit their budget and needs. 

3. Establish a Brother’s Keeper Home Ownership Syndicate: A syndicate will need to be established between the interested parties, which will involve deciding on how the property will be divided, how many shares each person will own, and other relevant details. 

4. Secure financing: The syndicate will need to secure financing for the purchase of the property. This can be done either through a bank loan or through private investors or Member Savings. 

Public Spaces like Libraries and Small Parks can also raise funds from the Public. 

5. Purchase the land for Building and Build: Once the financing has been secured, the syndicate can then develop and build the property as a group through PodCity by Ujenzibora.

6. Finalize the ownership agreement: The syndicate will need to enter into a legally binding agreement that outlines the division of the property, the shares owned by each person, and other relevant details. 

7. Register the ownership agreement: The syndicate will then need to register the ownership agreement with the relevant authorities in their jurisdiction. 

8. Manage the property: Once the syndicate has registered the ownership agreement, they can then begin to manage the property as a group. Individuals can turn their individual property into rental units, units for sale or live in them as their first home.

This will involve dividing responsibilities among the members, paying taxes and fees, and other relevant management tasks.

How does the Brother's Keeper Home Ownership Syndicate Work?

Brother's Keeper Home Ownership Program by PoDCity helping Kenyans to Build Houses

What is the Role of PoDCity by Ujenzibora in Brother's Keeper Home Ownership Program?

In what ways will PoDCity by Ujenzibora help Members who have already formed a Brother's Keeper Home Ownership Syndicate?

PoDCity by Ujenzibora helping Kenyans own property through sectional property law and Design Build Services

TheBrothers Keeper fractional ownership of property program is fully supported by Ujenzibora design and build partner and platform PoDCity.

PoDCity has modelled the Brother’s Keeper Program as a propertyowning democracy similar to Kibbutz villages in Israel, and it provides a range of services and resources to help syndicates purchase and manage property. 

PoDCity offers Brother’s Keeper syndicates access to design and construction services at discounted rates, as well as a range of financing options. 

We also provide guidance on legal matters, such as how to register the ownership agreement with the relevant authorities. 

PoDCity can also offer Brother’s Keeper syndicates access to a range of resources, such as link to Land Sellers, Design Services, Costing and Business Case Analysis, Constrcution Support, Platform to monitor Progress of Your Building Projects remotely within Kenya and from the Diaspora, and  help to ensure that the syndicates have access to the resources and services they need to purchase and manage property successfully. 

Start or Register a Brother's Keeper Home Ownership Group.


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